Primary School
- All students wishing to join the school who are eligible by age to enter class 1 and above must undergo an interview.
- All interviews cost 10,000/= per student.
- Upon completion of the interview, a form will be given to the parent/guardian to fill in at home and should be returned to the school before the student attends classes. This form costs 10,000/= per student.
- The parent / guardian should come with a copy of the child’s birth certificate and 2 passport sizes photos.
Day Care
- All students wishing to join the day care who are not over 4 years old are registered.
- The form will be given to the parent/guardian to fill in at home and should be returned to the school before the student attends classes. This form costs 10,000/= per student.
- The parent / guardian should come with a copy of the child’s birth certificate and 2 passport sizes photos.
- All students wishing to join the school who are not under 4 years old are registered.
- The form will be given to the parent/guardian to fill in at home and should be returned to the school before the student attends classes. This form costs 10,000/= per student.
- The parent / guardian should come with a copy of the child’s birth certificate and 2 passport sizes photos.